July 15-17, 2024 at the University of Arizona Police Department, Tucson AZ
Course Description:
This 3-day course combines ALL of the content of ICISF’s Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses.
Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called “emotional first aid”. Designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum, this course will prepare participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services for both the individual and for groups. Fundamentals of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) will be outlined, and participants will leave with the knowledge and tools to provide several group crisis interventions, specifically demobilizations, defusing’s and the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). The need for appropriate follow-up services and referrals, when necessary, will also be discussed.
This course is designed for anyone in the fields of Business & Industry Crisis Intervention, Disaster Response, Education, Emergency Services, Employee Assistance, Healthcare, Homeland Security, Mental Health, Military, Spiritual Care, and Traumatic Stress.
Program Highlights:
- Psychological crisis and psychological crisis intervention
- Resistance, resiliency, recovery continuum
- Critical incident stress management
- Evidence-based practice
- Basic crisis communication techniques
- Common psychological and behavioral crisis reactions
- Putative and empirically derived mechanisms
- SAFER-Revised model
- Suicide intervention
- Relevant research findings
- Large group crisis interventions
- Small group crisis interventions
- Adverse outcome associated with crisis intervention
- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
About the Instructor
Kelley Harris Meshirer, MA, LASAC, CCTP
Kelley Meshirer has served Public Safety since 2012 through various non-profit avenues,
formerly her most recent role as Southern Community Liaison to the 100 Club of Arizona. She
has experience, leadership and training in areas including critical incidents, suicide
prevention/intervention, peer support, and mental health. She has been a first responder spouse
to a 26-year veteran of federal law enforcement since 2004. She has navigated several critical
incidents and line of duty injuries throughout her husband’s career. The most life-changing in
2018 when he was involved in a line-of-duty shooting incident and survived. She attributes her
wellness to hard work and the support they received from her husband’s agency, friends,
family, community and primarily her faith. She also greatly recognizes the benefit her family
received from the counseling of a trauma specialist.
Kelley is an honors graduate from Liberty University with her Master’s in Addiction
Counseling, and is currently a doctoral student at Liberty focused in Traumatology. Kelley’s
passion for working with first responder individuals, couples, and families has brought her to
her current role at 10-4 Medical, an integrated health practice providing medical, occupational
and mental health services. She addresses addiction, substance misuse, maladaptive coping,
communication, habitual patterns, co-morbidity, crisis intervention, grief, and trauma as
an Addiction Specialist and a Certified Trauma Professional
CISM 3 Day Course Registration